(B.R.O.S.) is a nonprofit 501c3 community outreach initiative focused on mentoring young men in a safe space. Our goal is to enrich their lives through the enhancement of their natural abilities including financial literacy, soft skills, and professional trades.
In this day and time our young men need to be able to identify themselves as a man. They need to understand what manhood is and more importantly what it is not. Respect is what we hear our young men demanding but they don't understand respect is earned not given. Communication is a barrier that we see among our young men. They view other peers as an opponent and not as a friend or a brother, therefore we understand that our young men need to understand how to communicate with each other, Once they understand communication we can move on to life skills. Our young men need to be taught life skills. BROS have set programs to cater to young men to build their character. BROS will spend one-on-one time with each young man to see exactly which skill sets are needed for them to be successful.